Returns the sum of all the values, or only the DISTINCT values, in the expression. With character columns, MIN finds the value that is lowest in the sort sequence. MIN can be used with numeric, character and datetime columns, but not with bit columns. Returns the minimum value in the expression. With character columns, MAX finds the highest value in the collating sequence. MAX can be used with numeric, character and datetime columns, but not with bit columns. Returns the maximum value in the expression. COUNT(*) takes no parameters and cannot be used with DISTINCT. When DISTINCT is specified, COUNT finds the number of unique non-null values. Returns the number of non-null values in the expression. Returns the average of all the values, or only the DISTINCT values, in the expression. Aggregate functionsĪggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single, or summary, value. Text and image: performs operations on text and image dataīelow you will find detailed descriptions and examples for the first four functions.System: returns a special piece of information from the database.String: performs operations on character strings, binary data or expressions.Mathematical: performs operations on numeric data.Date: displays information about dates and times.Conversion: transforms one data type to another.There are many built-in functions in SQL Server such as:

(SELECT title_id FROM Books WHERE type = ‘mod_cook’) Built-in Functions This example uses INSERT to add a record to the publisher’s Authors table.
#Sqlite count items from two tables who match how to
In this chapter, we will describe how to use the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE SQL DML command statements, defined below. The SQL data manipulation language (DML) is used to query and modify database data. Chapter 16 SQL Data Manipulation Language